Yesterday was a good day. Nat and Candice were out from the city and we had a good visit. We played some Cheat in the evening (which I enjoyed immensely since of course I love cheating) :). After playing cards for a while, we decided to rent some movies. Ladder 49 wasn't really all that great, but Flight of the Phoenix was pretty good. We stayed up until 1:00 am. Good Times. I missed Josh though. It wasn't quite a complete "family gathering". anywhoos... just for kicks...I've decided to try and write a bit of a story. I want to make it a joint effort and would appreciate comments from anyone who reads my blog regularly. I'll start it off, but would appreciate any ideas that anyone would have. My goal is to have the story finished by the end of April and have it completely published in one entry on my blog. This is mostly motivation for me to write on here more often. Could be fun, but it also could fail miserably. Here goes...
One night as I was walking along in my dreams I came upon a wonderful fountain. It was in the shape of a many pointed star and the water appeared to be cool and clean. I suddenly realized how thirsty I was and drew near to the fountain to take a drink. As soon as I knelt beside the basin of the fountain to take a drink, I realized that it was not only water but in each and every bubble I saw...
That's where I'll stop for now. Please give me some ideas so that I can continue the story. Goodnight all and Happy Easter!
Hmm, how about a star, hence the many pointed star, or however you put it. And then you could keep wandering along the path and come to a castle... and I don't know what else yet. Just give me a little time.
sounds cool
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