Wow! Today was a great day! This is how it went...I got up around 9:00 and felt great. I had a great sleep and felt well rested and happy. I did my Bible reading with my family in the book of Judges and in the book of Acts. (good stuff). Then Heather and I went up to MCC around 11:00. We bought a couch! It is yellow and green and Jerry is going to bring it to the church tomorrow at lunch so if you want to see it you'll have to go to the church. After dawdling around uptown for a bit longer Heather and I came home and had lunch here (grilled cheese for her and cold pizza for me). Then we ate some of our rolo ice cream. :) We went a picked up the groceries from co-op for her mom and dad and put them away and then came back here for awhile. We had some fun looking at home decorating books and stuff. Around 3:00 I went to the Credit Union for a Job interview. It lasted for about a half hour and boy were there a lot of questions! They had three people interviewing me (including Auntie Anna, Heather's Aunt). I was pretty nervous, but the interview seemed to go well. Afterwards I went to quiz practice and did some jumping for sour skittles. (good times) I came back here for supper and fooled around on the computer for awhile. Around 7:00 or so I called Warren to see if I could borrow "Napoleon Dynamite". He said yes, of course and said that he and Liane would meet me at Pembina in a little while to give it to me. (They were going for a walk) Just before I left to meet them, I got a call from Auntie Anna. The conversation went kinda like this..."If we were to offer you the job, how flexible do you think you could be with your other job? We would like you to make this job the priority." I assured her that I thought everything would work out. I said that I would talk to my current boss and discuss how all the hours would work. Anna told me to give her a call back after I had talked to my boss. I said that I would.
I went to pick up Napoleon Dynamite and right away told Warren and Liane that I had a job offer from the Credit Union etc. I came home and watched Napoleon Dynamite and then I thought about what Auntie Anna said about the Credit Union being my job priority. It made a lot of sense to me since I can't exactly move up in my current job at the library and there would be quite a bit of room to move up at the Credit Union. I quickly called Auntie Anna at home and told her that "whether or not my other job is able to be flexible" that I would accept the job at the Credit Union because of the fact that there would be room to grow at the Credit Union etc. She said great and that she would write up a formal job offer and give me a call in the next few days. She was very encouraging in saying that she was happy for me and that this was a great opportunity for me etc. Wow!! What an answer to prayer. I've been wanting this job for a few months now and this is the second time I've applied. I start training May 9th. YESS!! Thanx to everyone who was praying for me during the interview and afterward! I really thank God for this job and I know that He wants to use me there. Pray for me that I will be willing to be used by Him.
Jeremiah 29:11 "For I know the plans I have for you," declares the Lord, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future."
Hebrews 13:15 Through Jesus, therefore, let us continually offer to God a sacrifice of praise-the fruit of lips that confess his name.
Hebrews 13:20-21 May the God of peace, who through the blood of the covenant brought back from the dead our Lord Jesus, that great Shepherd of the sheep, equip you with everything good for doing his will, and may he work in us what is pleasing to him, through Jesus Christ, to whom be glory for ever and ever. Amen.
AWESOME!!!!! That is so AWESOME!!!! Way to go Beth!!!!
congrats beth! its good 2 hear your doin will, give me a call sometime soon
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