Tuesday, January 24, 2006

Cookie Blitz

Hey, Sunday for college and career we decided to make cookies for some of the people in our church. Everybody brought some ingredients and we mixed up a double batch of hamburger cookie dough. While the guys did that, us girls decided to play some dutch blitz. I got a new set of blitz cards for my birthday that needed breaking in. It was great fun to let the guys have the kitchen while we fooled around. We ended up bringing cookies to 10 different households rather late in the evening. Tonight we have another quiz practice. yay! I always look forward to it. I find it fun even if the quizzers don't always. We are working on the first half of the 14th chapter of Romans today. I am going to try to get the verses memorized. It is always easier if I know the verses as well. This is going to be a busy week. I am working monday through saturday. Thankfully my evenings aren't all booked yet. I'm guessing that it will be a pretty quiet week here at the "Cred". I really don't have that much to say today soo...
catch ya later

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