This is looking into the room from the door. My bed is on the right. What a neat freak. :) Mom, have you been able to find a place for all of my junk at home?

This is looking towards the door. Just outside our door on the right is the staff shower. Literally just a shower stall in the open with a glass door and a curtain. Could be awkward. :) On the right behind the wardrobe, which holds all of our clothes, is where our shoes and jackets are. On the left is the desk with shelves for all our cosmetic paraphernalia etc. Under the desk is our radiator, Above the Desk is our window. Basically a heating/cooling unit in one. ;) Straight ahead is the sink with a mirror and our lovely red backsplash. So fun!! My roommate's name is Christy, and she's a very nice girl. :) We both crash into bed at the end of a day and so I don't know her very well yet. It's good for me to have a limited space for my stuff. I have to keep it neat or else I get frustrated with it. I don't have much flat space to leave stuff on. Christy has given herself a concussion on the slanted ceiling and so I am extremely careful when I crawl into bed in the dark. Picture me crawling on the floor. :) Just bumping my head wouldn't be so bad, but there are nails poking through as well. Anywhoo..my apartment back home is going to feel like a mansion when I get back!!
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