Sunday, February 04, 2007


I'm sitting here staring out the window at fireworks. Apparently they're a year long thing. :) It's actually kinda annoying to hear them at night when I'm trying to sleep. This flu I've got is an epidemic in Germany. It's terrible. I actually got a fairly mild strain of it. One of the guys here was laid out for 3 days with terrible stomach cramps and vomiting etc. I, luckily, didn't have much worse than nausea, dizziness and shortness of breath and incredible weakness and sore skin and muscles and joints. I've slept a lot the past few days, but I still have had a few dizzy spells and can't breathe properly sometimes. I went to church in a town called Aich this morning. Dani and Niffy are both in the choir of the Evangelical church here in town and they go to different churches to play every once in a while. Niffy plays the viola and it's amazing to hear! It's another new camp this week. More German people, but most of them have been here several times before. I will be working in the kitchen this week, it's good. The cleaning is fairly demanding physically and I am really tired. Next camp is a camp for Christian Pilots from all over the world. Should be fun! I get to share another devotional and I'm glad it will be in English. Anyway...hope you are all doing well where you are.


~Katie~ said...

Hey Beth!
Sorry to hear that you're sick! hopefully you'll feel better well as the others who are sick.
I'll be praying for you guys!
All the best with the new camp thats comin up. Remember God will get you through those days when your physically tired...God is Awesome!
Miss you at the cred!


~Katie~ said...

Hey Beth!
Sorry to hear that you're sick! hopefully you'll feel better well as the others who are sick.
I'll be praying for you guys!
All the best with the new camp thats comin up. Remember God will get you through those days when your physically tired...God is Awesome!
Miss you at the cred!
