Tuesday, February 05, 2013

Back to Work

So I'm getting settled into two new jobs. I have enjoyed the two shifts I've worked at the restaurant and am looking forward to working there more often when it gets a bit busier again. I never thought I'd really enjoy waitressing, but it's a fun atmosphere and I get to run around and multitask..two of my favourite things to do! I've worked more often at the florist and am getting quite acquainted with the business. I am doing whatever needs to be done there, from cleaning to cutting flowers to displaying giftware, to inventory and pricing. I'm enjoying the different work and the fact that it's physical work rather than mental work is a nice change. I've started to get into more of a routine again. I'm doing my best to run 4 days per week as I plan on running a 10k and a half in spring. These next couple weeks will be a bit tough to do that as I'll be working full time at the florist during the valentine's rush. I just finished up a skype session with my bible class group and it's almost time for bed. I am thankful that I can skype in to bible class instead of having to drive out to Winkler for it. Right now we're studying how to prepare a message. Typical outline with main idea and supporting ideas etc. It's interesting to think about how the writers of the Bible organized their thoughts and ideas. Ok, time to hit the hay..need to get some rest before a new day!