Tuesday, July 24, 2007

This is the view of the valley that we have from the deck at camp. Definitely one of the favorite places for chapel.

This is my sister-in-law Candice advertising for Ronnie's Sunflower Seeds. That's my older brother Josh in behind. We were having a fire in the backyard. It was great to have the whole family at home for a weekend.

I took this picture on the way home from Nat and Candice's one night. What an amazing view! Yes...I miss the mountains, but this is pretty awesome too.

This is my wonderful family. Everyone home. Josh and Jenna came out from Ontario for the wedding of some friends. Which explains why we are all dressed up. :) From the Left:
Tim, Me, Candice, Nat, Josh, Jenna, Mom and Dad.
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Pictures from Camp

Ok, so these are my girls from the first week. From the left: Rebecca, Rachel, Colleen, Genny, Julie and in the front is Danielle. What a great bunch of girls!!

These kids are from my second week at camp. Teens camp. This was the afternoon Climbing skill that I was privileged to teach. I am definitely not able to remember all the names though. :)

This is the detested Ladder inside the climbing wall. I kind of have the same feeling for this ladder as I have for a cold cheeseburger from McD's. Not my favorite. It's just a pain to climb up and down. I would much rather climb the wall.

This is one of the kids conquering their fears on the log walk. Pretty awesome!
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Tuesday, July 10, 2007

First day of camp. I am here on my break and am trying to stay awake after a sleepless night. So far it has been a good first day though. My kids are great and we have been having a blast. I was able to teach ropes at the climbing wall today. I really enjoy being there again. I am so hungry right now and am really excited for supper. It's a bit of a shock to be here again and to be senior counselling. I don't have a lot of time on here so this is just a short update. If you would like to keep me in your prayers I would appreciate that. I have six girls in my cabin and two other helpers. Hopefully we'll all sleep better tonight, since we have been running all day. It's been raining here all day as well so hopefully the weather will improve for tomorrow and the rest of the week. I started off today with a good habit and was able to go running. My cabin mates already think I'm crazy since I was up at 6:30. I think it will be good for me to start my day with time alone with God though and also keep up the habit of running. I was unsmart and didn't buy myself a watch before I came, and I also forgot my alarm clock. So, I'm the timeless counselor. Anywhoo..I'm going to go and write some letters. Catch ya'll later..