Wednesday, March 30, 2005

story continued.

To start off I'd like to say that since no one else has cast a vote for the chipmunk's name I would like to declare Warren the winner and the chipmunk is now named MISTER chipmunk. :) Thank you again to anonymous for making it possible for me to continue my story. I am currently sitting here drinking a starbuck's frappucino and eating a mars bar. YUM! I haven't had a chocolate bar since...a really long time ago because I can't remember the event. Well...on with the story. I ended with...what appeared to be a great castle...I start to feel excited. I've never seen a castle close up before. I start to run. I run through a meadow filled with buttercups and soon reach a field filled with thorns, briars, and rot-weed. I look behind me at the beautiful meadow and fruit grove and then ahead at the death and desolation through which I have to travel in order to reach the castle. I look around me to see if there could be some other way but there isn't. I hesitantly place a foot on the field as though I might suddenly be cursed if I dared to touch it. I take another step and soon I am walking through the field, cringing at the sting of thorns that cuts through my clothes. I am glad that I have sturdy black boots. Eventually I arrive at the other edge of the field scratched and sweaty. I stare at the huge moat ahead of me and at the drawbridge that is drawn up on the other side. I slowly tiptoe to the edge of the moat and look down. It is filled with slimy sludge that could never pass for water and in it were hundreds of crocodiles. A stench rose from the moat and I could feel the bile rise in my throat. I quickly step back and sink to my knees in despair. I have to get to the castle but there seems to be no way to do so. Suddenly behind me there was a great rush of wind...

That's where I'll stop for today. What do you think the wind should come from? Please give me some more ideas. I'll keep the other ideas for inside the castle in mind. ttfn

Monday, March 28, 2005

This is what I have on my desktop right now. I drew this sometime last year and I think he is really cute. Does anyone have any good ideas for a name for him? Posted by Hello

most awesomest dayest "Everest almost"

Hey! Today was an awesome day! It was beautiful outside, and WET! I spent the morning driving around town with my Dad. This afternoon I played some piano and then...and then...and then we went...HIKING!! WOOHOO! why am i so excited? I haven't been hiking in a really really long time. Warren went hiking up at Riding Mountain with some friends this weekend and I was pretty jealous. So we ended up going hiking today. He took us (Tim, Ash, Liane and I) to the Morden beach trails and we had a blast. Before we left Ash asked me if she should wear her ski pants and I told her that she wouldn't need them unless she was planning on falling down every 2 minutes. Of course when we got there and started hiking (without Ashleigh's ski pants) she did fall down basically every 2 minutes. It was hilariously fun skidding down icy, slushy, muddy trails! Ashleigh just couldn't seem to stay on her feet and she almost brought me down with her a few times not to mention the others. Warren wanted us to see a "cool" spot before we headed back to the car. It seemed to take us a really long time to get to the "cool" spot because we kept on getting sidetracked. Like one time the other girls wanted to climb a boulder and Warren decided to try to jump up on top of it to join them. He takes a running start and jumps...only to bash his leg against the rock (just like I told him he probably would) :), but obviously he wasn't too injured because...the hike continued. Finally after a few slipping, sliding, and falling incidents with Ash, we made it to the "cool" spot. And it was cool. basically it was a great view of the river and hills. Of course I had to open my big mouth and point out a trail leading higher, which Warren said offered an even more impressive view. So up we went. Tim and Ash decided to come up the hard way. Tim got up all right but it took Ash some time before she could get up the mud cliff (Everest almost). Meanwhile we were having a jolly good time making the echoes on the otherside work their vocal chords and watching Tim "break dance" and generally make a fool of himself. (as we all were doing) Ash finally gets up(Everest almost) and we stand up there for a while longer enjoying the echoes and the view. Soon we decided to head back down and somehow on the way down Ash slipped again. We were still right at the top of the mud cliff (Everest almost) and Warren made the comment, "Ash, we aren't going to carry you home" and just as Ash is trying to get up she tumbles backwards off the mud cliff (Everest almost) and bounces and rolls to the bottom of the hill which I have named (Everest Almost). We were all a little stunned and then it struck us as funny and we cracked up. We laughed so hard we were bent over. Ash landed at the bottom in a puddle and thankfully she hadn't broken any bones and wasn't seriously hurt. She was very wet and muddy. Finally we got back down and slipped and slid our way down the trail to the lake. We decided to take a shortcut by walking on the lake instead of the trails. The top layer of the lake was slush and water and soon my feet were completely soaked. Eventually we made it back to the car. On the way home my face felt like it was frozen in a smile. My face and stomach hurt from laughing so hard and so often. I can't wait to go hiking again! :) We all had supper at our house and went to worship team practice afterwards. I just got home about an hour ago since I stayed after both worship team practices to play some piano. I feel very tired now and since I am getting up at 7:00 to go running with Dad tomorrow I'd better get to bed. G'night all!

continuing the story

Hey! Thanx to anonymous for the comment. I was hoping for a few more ideas but I'll have to work with this for now. Now where was I? oh yes...
...but in each and every bubble I saw... a beautiful star. At first the stars appeared as they would in a clear night sky, but as I continued to gaze at them I saw that they were not just a clear point of light but a many faceted jewel with as many colors as are in a single ray of light. "This water is too precious to drink." I said to myself. "I will come back later with a vial and take some with me." So I rose from my knees and continued down a path that seemed to appear before my feet as I walked. I walked for what seemed like a long time. I passed through a small grove of fruit trees. I did not know what kind of fruit they were for it was not the season of fruit-bearing. As I came out of the grove I saw in the distance what appeared to be a great castle...

And that is where I'll stop for today. Please give me some more ideas so that I can continue the story.
This afternoon I am going hiking with the College and Career group. It should be fun. I've been wanting to go hiking for quite a while now. This morning my Dad took me driving for a while and I picked up some paper so I can photocopy a bunch of sheet music that Candice lent to me. There are some really great songs in there! Hope you all have an excellent day. ttfn

Saturday, March 26, 2005

Joy of literature

Yesterday was a good day. Nat and Candice were out from the city and we had a good visit. We played some Cheat in the evening (which I enjoyed immensely since of course I love cheating) :). After playing cards for a while, we decided to rent some movies. Ladder 49 wasn't really all that great, but Flight of the Phoenix was pretty good. We stayed up until 1:00 am. Good Times. I missed Josh though. It wasn't quite a complete "family gathering". anywhoos... just for kicks...I've decided to try and write a bit of a story. I want to make it a joint effort and would appreciate comments from anyone who reads my blog regularly. I'll start it off, but would appreciate any ideas that anyone would have. My goal is to have the story finished by the end of April and have it completely published in one entry on my blog. This is mostly motivation for me to write on here more often. Could be fun, but it also could fail miserably. Here goes...

One night as I was walking along in my dreams I came upon a wonderful fountain. It was in the shape of a many pointed star and the water appeared to be cool and clean. I suddenly realized how thirsty I was and drew near to the fountain to take a drink. As soon as I knelt beside the basin of the fountain to take a drink, I realized that it was not only water but in each and every bubble I saw...

That's where I'll stop for now. Please give me some ideas so that I can continue the story. Goodnight all and Happy Easter!

Thursday, March 17, 2005

Hey Guys! It's beautiful outside! It's starting to feel like spring. I can't wait till the ice melts and the trees start budding! Have an awesome day! Posted by Hello

Wednesday, March 16, 2005

ice cream and lazy days

Hey! Well today has been what you would call a lazy day. I spent a lot of time doing...not much...and having a great time doing so. :) It started off this morning when I slept in till ten. Then I decided to do some reading. My breakfast consisted of a bowl of ice cream with chocolate sauce. When my mom came home I had a hamburger for lunch and did my bible reading. Today my reading was in Deuteronomy and the book of John. Often I get bored in Deuteronomy but today I noticed some really good stuff. God is constantly commanding the Israelites not to get sidetracked by other people and by worshiping other gods. But of course Israel had to find out for themselves just what the consequences would be if they didn't obey. I think everyone is like that. We all learn to some degree that if we do something bad than we will most like be either disciplined for it or pay some kind of price for our actions. Even though we know this we still like to test it. It's almost like being warned against something piques our interest as to why we shouldn't. I love the book of John. The book has a feel of intimacy with Christ that none of the other gospels quite has. I am very glad that I memorized it two years ago. I should really remind myself to review though. Anyways...after I finished devotions I decided to go up town and pick up some parcels from Sears and also go to Time Out and try to find some new running shoes. I hate shopping for shoes! I never know quite what I like. (By the way Warren, the ones I tried on were really nice, but I hate white shoes.) :) I probably am far too picky. Oh well. Then I took Heather to Tim Hortons. I went for the cappucino and she went because I wanted to. Can you believe that she had never been in our Tim Hortons yet?! After some great food and fellowship I came home and decided to look on to see if they had anything I would like in the way of shoes. Of course they did, but it's not smart to buy shoes that I have never tried on. not to mention that it was in American dollars and I'd have to pay for shipping. Pricey!! Made some pancakes for supper then played a bit more on the computer and finally watched a movie. Now I am sitting here with a bowl of half eaten and half melted ice cream with chocolate sauce to end off the day. Hope you all had a great day! ta ta for now!

Monday, March 14, 2005

Quiz Meet

Hey. Ya, I know, it's been a long time. Oh well.
This past weekend our quiz team went to Moose Jaw for a Quiz Meet. It was a fun weekend! Roger and Mary brought us out there and they brought their kids along to make it kinda like a family holiday. We listened to Ella Enchanted (a book on cd) a lot of the way there. (I got it from the library of course.) Our first quiz when we got to the church was brutal. I was the only one from our team that got a question right, but I also errored out. We were in the B division for this meet and the difference in the quizzing from A to B took us off guard. The jumping was really slow and no one knew a lot of their material. After that first quiz though things got better. The next three quizzes we won and I quizzed out in each of them. For our last quiz we were late and therefore lost our twenty points and missed the first question. I still got 3 questions right but our team lost anyway. Oh well. After we were done our quizzes we went out to Tim Hortons for coffee. Then we decided to go see if the Moose Jaw tunnels were open. We ended up buying tickets for a tour that evening. We went to the 7:30 tour and we were the only ones booked for that tour. the kids found it a little scary but it was a lot of fun. Since we didn't go swimming with the rest of the quizzers, we didn't find out till later that there was an accident at the pool. A Callie Snider had a seizure while she was under water. They had to call in the paramedics and she was rushed to the hospital. She did not recover consciousness till the next morning. It was a stressful time for her teammates and coaches and for all the quizzers who had been at the pool and saw what happened. Last I heard, she was doing well and breathing on her own. It was great that all of us quizzers could all pray for her. The trip back was uneventful and entertaining the kids was fun. I forgot to tell you about our billets. The family we stayed with was a doctor's family and they were quite well off. Christa and I got a double bed in a beautifully decorated room with a huge mirror on my side of the bed so that I could see how awful I look when I wake up. (ugh!) :) The bathroom was right across the hall from us. Also they treated us like royalty and served us eggs and bacon for breakfast with fruit and yogurt and muffins and coffee and... etc. It was incredible! Normally we have to sleep on the floor and get a bowl of cereal for breakfast which is usually good enough. I am happy to be home though. I slept in till 11:00 this morning. crazy!! it's amazing how tired you get from sitting all weekend! anywhoos... I gotta go eat supper. ttfn