Monday, March 14, 2005

Quiz Meet

Hey. Ya, I know, it's been a long time. Oh well.
This past weekend our quiz team went to Moose Jaw for a Quiz Meet. It was a fun weekend! Roger and Mary brought us out there and they brought their kids along to make it kinda like a family holiday. We listened to Ella Enchanted (a book on cd) a lot of the way there. (I got it from the library of course.) Our first quiz when we got to the church was brutal. I was the only one from our team that got a question right, but I also errored out. We were in the B division for this meet and the difference in the quizzing from A to B took us off guard. The jumping was really slow and no one knew a lot of their material. After that first quiz though things got better. The next three quizzes we won and I quizzed out in each of them. For our last quiz we were late and therefore lost our twenty points and missed the first question. I still got 3 questions right but our team lost anyway. Oh well. After we were done our quizzes we went out to Tim Hortons for coffee. Then we decided to go see if the Moose Jaw tunnels were open. We ended up buying tickets for a tour that evening. We went to the 7:30 tour and we were the only ones booked for that tour. the kids found it a little scary but it was a lot of fun. Since we didn't go swimming with the rest of the quizzers, we didn't find out till later that there was an accident at the pool. A Callie Snider had a seizure while she was under water. They had to call in the paramedics and she was rushed to the hospital. She did not recover consciousness till the next morning. It was a stressful time for her teammates and coaches and for all the quizzers who had been at the pool and saw what happened. Last I heard, she was doing well and breathing on her own. It was great that all of us quizzers could all pray for her. The trip back was uneventful and entertaining the kids was fun. I forgot to tell you about our billets. The family we stayed with was a doctor's family and they were quite well off. Christa and I got a double bed in a beautifully decorated room with a huge mirror on my side of the bed so that I could see how awful I look when I wake up. (ugh!) :) The bathroom was right across the hall from us. Also they treated us like royalty and served us eggs and bacon for breakfast with fruit and yogurt and muffins and coffee and... etc. It was incredible! Normally we have to sleep on the floor and get a bowl of cereal for breakfast which is usually good enough. I am happy to be home though. I slept in till 11:00 this morning. crazy!! it's amazing how tired you get from sitting all weekend! anywhoos... I gotta go eat supper. ttfn

1 comment:

Warren & Liane Thiessen said...

Hey Beth!
Yeah, I still check your blog every day...figured eventually you'd come around :) Good to hear how the quiz meet went. Have you guys got another meet yet, or was that the last one? Talk to you later,