Wednesday, March 16, 2005

ice cream and lazy days

Hey! Well today has been what you would call a lazy day. I spent a lot of time doing...not much...and having a great time doing so. :) It started off this morning when I slept in till ten. Then I decided to do some reading. My breakfast consisted of a bowl of ice cream with chocolate sauce. When my mom came home I had a hamburger for lunch and did my bible reading. Today my reading was in Deuteronomy and the book of John. Often I get bored in Deuteronomy but today I noticed some really good stuff. God is constantly commanding the Israelites not to get sidetracked by other people and by worshiping other gods. But of course Israel had to find out for themselves just what the consequences would be if they didn't obey. I think everyone is like that. We all learn to some degree that if we do something bad than we will most like be either disciplined for it or pay some kind of price for our actions. Even though we know this we still like to test it. It's almost like being warned against something piques our interest as to why we shouldn't. I love the book of John. The book has a feel of intimacy with Christ that none of the other gospels quite has. I am very glad that I memorized it two years ago. I should really remind myself to review though. Anyways...after I finished devotions I decided to go up town and pick up some parcels from Sears and also go to Time Out and try to find some new running shoes. I hate shopping for shoes! I never know quite what I like. (By the way Warren, the ones I tried on were really nice, but I hate white shoes.) :) I probably am far too picky. Oh well. Then I took Heather to Tim Hortons. I went for the cappucino and she went because I wanted to. Can you believe that she had never been in our Tim Hortons yet?! After some great food and fellowship I came home and decided to look on to see if they had anything I would like in the way of shoes. Of course they did, but it's not smart to buy shoes that I have never tried on. not to mention that it was in American dollars and I'd have to pay for shipping. Pricey!! Made some pancakes for supper then played a bit more on the computer and finally watched a movie. Now I am sitting here with a bowl of half eaten and half melted ice cream with chocolate sauce to end off the day. Hope you all had a great day! ta ta for now!

1 comment:

Warren & Liane Thiessen said...

wow, two bowls of ice cream in one day...that's bound to make a person feel good :)
Yeah, I'm not a bike white shoe fan either...we have lots of good Nike running shoes coming real soon. I'll let you know when they come in.
Hey, I've never been to Tim Hortons either...or WalMart for that matter...