Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Quick Trip

Well everyone...nothing too exciting going on here right now. It is a blazing 36 degrees celsius outside today and I'm dying. I woke up at 4:30 this morning to take a quick trip to Munich with Mario. He's getting a visa so that he can work in Colorado. Well..I can now find my way around in one part of Munich. :) I did the navigating and we did pretty well. We even got back to T-hof on time. I spent 1 hour standing outside in the sun waiting for Mario to get done. Talk about high security at the US Consulate. It takes 5 minutes just to get inside the first door. Thankfully I didn't have to go through all of that to get my visa! This afternoon we're going swimming at a lake nearby. Should be nice to get cooled off. This evening we're going to eat at a hutte where we get to catch our supper. :) Fish, of course. kinda fun. These past few days have been a bit more relaxed with only 40 some people here instead of close to a hundred. I've been working on putting pictures and music together for some of my friends here for when I leave. There is a missions trip going on in Romania right now as well. A few students and staff. The two korean girls left on Monday to go to England Capernwray and so there were lots of tears. I am not looking forward to next week for me. :( pray for me! It's going to be very hard to leave my home here. I am hopefully going to be able to start packing tomorrow or this evening. I don't know how I'm going to fit it all in. I guess I'll have to weed out the stuff I don't absolutely need. I can't remember what I have at home anymore though. :) Oh well..we'll see how it works. I probably won't have time to post again before I come I'll see you soon. ttfn

1 comment:

Heather said...

I can't wait!!