Wednesday, November 24, 2004


Hey everyone!
I guess I haven't been on here in a while. Not that I'm too busy or anything. I just haven't thought about writing lately. A friend reminded me on Sunday night. (Thanx Steve :) )
I guess I'll say something about the message at Celebration Night last Tuesday evening. Again it was a great time and Phil Bock came to speak to us on prayer. Yay Phil! The main thing I got out of it was that often times we pray when things are rotten and we feel let down when God doesn't answer our prayers the way we expect Him to. But as we continue to pray, maybe our situation won't change, but we begin to change. As we continue to give the situation prayerfully over to God, asking that His will be done, our hearts can change and we trust God to guide us through. Proverbs 3:5-6 are great verses to live by. "Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge Him and He will make your paths straight."
As I live I can't depend on my "understanding" of a situation and tell God what He needs to do to make things come out right. I need to "acknowledge" that He is the authority and that He will work things out in His time. His way may not be my way, but His way is always the best way. As we draw near to God in prayer we come to know Him more intimately and therefore step by step His will becomes our will.
I don't know if this makes any sense to anyone else but it helps me to be able to thrash it out like this. :)
A good song is:
One Heart One Mind
If you will see with my eyes
If you hear with my ears
Then you will speak with my voice
And when I laugh you will rejoice
Then you and I
Will be one, we will be
one heart, one mind (x2)
If you despise what I hate
If you esteem what I love
Then the world will know me through you
Give to them what I give to you
I've gotta go now. ttfn.

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