Friday, November 24, 2006

Time is Flying

Wow..only 3 more weeks till I'm gone. Scary..I have so much to do (and worry about) :) just kidding. I'm a little nervous about traveling on my own, and all that, but it'll work. I still need to do a whole bunch of stuff!! My last two weeks here will be nuts!! I have 3 work Christmas parties and one for Bible Study and I have to Christmas shop for family and friends yet!! crazy! Not enough time and so much to do. Only 10 more days of work. I am really looking forward to the break from work, but I know that there are definitely new challenges ahead. I've been thinking all day about making a list of things to do, but I feel so scattered! If you guys could pray for me, that I'll settle down and be able to get things done, and also to hand all worries over to God. Mom and Dad are still unsure of whether I'm going or not. At least that's what Dad has been saying ;) I'm going to miss them too, but this will be an awesome experience! Anyway...I'd better get to bed so I can get up at a decent hour and get things done tomorrow. g'night

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yes, Beth, we will certainly be praying for you. I can relate to feeling 'scattered' when there's too much to do, and can't figure out why I keep putting myself back there!? :) Hope you can relax a little and enjoy these last few weeks before you leave.