Friday, January 05, 2007


So..being in a new country where you don't know the language, and starting a new job, and learning a lot of stuff all at once can be a very humbling experience. Many of you know that when I came here I was seniority at the Credit Union and most people would have to ask me questions. Now I'm in a position where I don't know where anything is and there is a language barrier. I'm just a crazy foreigner that doesn't know anything here. :) I figure that I might as well make the most of being the bottom rung. :) I admit that I have always had a bit of a pride issue. I hate being in awkward situations and feeling stupid. I hate to admit that I'm wrong and I usually try to make myself appear better than I am. Lately God has been breaking me down. I constantly feel a bit dumb here when I can't make myself understood. I always have to ask questions about where things are and where things go. I am learning a lot of things about the work here and I am learning how to operate an espresso machine. On the way here I had to ask a lot of questions that seemed dumb. Where do I get on the train? Can you help me with my bags? Where is a good hotel? Is this the right bus stop? How does this phone work? It's embarrassing to be so needy. But I guess it's natural to ask questions when you don't know something. So God has been breaking down my pride. It is impossible to live here without being humble. I clean toilets and showers for goodness sake!! It has really been good for me.

Now I, Nebuchadnezzar, praise and exalt and glorify the King of heaven, because everything he does is right and all his ways are just. And those who walk in pride he is able to humble
Daniel 4:37

Therefore, whoever humbles himself like this child is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven.
Matthew 18:4

And being found in appearance as a man, he humbled himself and became obedient to death— even death on a cross!
Philippians 2:8 The Ultimate Example of Humility!!

I'm thankful to God for another opportunity to be humble and experience new things. I have been pushed so far out of my comfort zone in so many ways already!! What a blessing. Here's a new challenge now..I have to give 4 devotionals out loud in front of 100 people who speak German. No, I am not going to learn them in German. I do need to have a translator though. Scary!! Anyway..keep praying for me. I'm sure God has a lot of lessons for me to learn yet.


Irene said...

Hey Beth, you can do it! It takes strength to be humble. Pray for you.

Anonymous said...

Hey Beth,
great post. I'm sure we all have to fight with our pride. I sometimes have too! I know exactly how you feel and I'm praying for you! I'm sure you're going to do a great job with the devotional!

- Liane

Anonymous said...

Hi'll do just fine with the devotionals...don't worry
Praying for you