Wednesday, February 10, 2010

I have you in my heart..

Day three of the memorization challenge.

Philippians 1:7-8 I decided to do 2 verses today since the next three kinda go together.

It is right for me to feel this way about all of you, since I have you in my heart; for whether I am in chains or defending and confirming the gospel, all of you share in God's grace with me. God can testify how I long for all of you with the affection of Christ Jesus.

Wow! Read those verses again! Paul really had a love for these people and he wasn't afraid to share that with them. Can you think of anyone that makes you feel this way? Are there people in your life that you are vulnerable enough with, that you actually long for them when you're away from them? I do, and I can tell you that it hurts. Paul obviously loved these people personally and he also loved them in Christ. At times I think we take for-granted the special bond we have with other believers. We seem to forget that our lives here are very temporary compared to eternity. Paul's love for these people is made even more profound by his love for them in Christ. He had realized the connection with them as family in Christ.

God's grace in the lives of brothers and sisters in Christ is the deepest bond for a relationship to be built upon. I certainly believe that it is important to take an interest in people's likes and dislikes and find common ground there, but there is absolutely no reason for believers not to be able to love each other despite personality clashes. We have something in common for eternity and we have a whole book that we can draw on for discussion. :)

Well, my day felt a little scattered today. I finished up a training manual this morning for a new employee who is starting next week. I was also on till for part of the day and spent a couple of hours balancing the books. A bit of a weird day, but it was good. I only have 6 more days with my MSR team before I move out of the area for the rest of the year. 3 of those days will be spent with the new employee. I'm feeling a bit torn.

After work I went home and then went straight back to work to run on the treadmill. 4 miles down today. It felt like I was pushing it the whole way.. ick. Not really looking forward to the 8 mile on Saturday if that's what it's going to be like. Here's hoping the energy comes up a bit.
Looking forward to the long weekend, although I won't be doing much. :) It'll be a chance to clean up the house and get some laundry done. Goody! :)

Till next time

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