Tuesday, October 31, 2006

I'm Done!!!

Moving home that is. :) Wow! what a job! I accumulated more stuff this past year than anyone should be allowed to have. I figure i'll live in a tent when I get back from Austria. I am NOT moving that stuff again!! Sorry Bruce and Heather. Whatever is in the basement is now your problem ;) Of course I'm just kidding, but from the feel of my back today...
So...lots of snow fell yesterday! I think I cleaned off my car about 10 times. At least I had all my big furniture moved on Saturday! I feel like going outside and having a snowball fight. It looks so nice and snowy out! I love winter! I walked to work today and it was perfect out. I can't wait to go sledding! I'm supposed to take Bruce and Heather sledding in January, but I guess they might have to come out to Austria for that. :) I would have a perfect hill right down the street!! Sorry guys..I can't pay for the flights though. I wonder how long it would take them to paddle across if they started now. Justin..can they use your canoe?? :)Anyways...enough silliness. Hope you all have a wonderful wintery day!!

1 comment:

H. said...

You will move, many, many, more times likely, it is SOOOO MUCH FUUUNNNN!!! Enjoy your time before you go! Maybe see ya before you go! ttyl.